New Beginning 2017

Posted: 01/06/2017 in Uncategorized

The time has come when I have to put an end to this blog, or rather go into the new beginnings. Please find more of my work on the links below in red bold letters..but I will update once more for additional links! Love to all and thanks for being a part of my story! Now, I must go… ❤

-Zivot ide samo u jednom pravcu: naprijed. On ne pita mene da li me bole tragovi proslosti, niti me pita o kome zalim. Ne pita ko se igrao sa mojim emocijama, niti pita kajem li se zbog svojih nekih cinova. Nema on vremena da me pita ni za moju bol ni za moju srecu, samo ide, nosi, juri, k’o vjetar, k’o oluja…I tacno, prije sam bez straha koracala u skladu, a sada me vec pomalo plasi njegova brzina. Gdje ode? Ni to ga nije briga jer nema on kad da se osvrce i pita da li sam ja spremna za neko tamo sutra koje me ceka; on samo nosi i nosi me sa sobom htjela ili ne. I time mi govori da je zivot vrijeme i da moram ici tamo gdje treba da budem, da koracam kako bi stigla u to neko daleko sutra, jer svako novo sutra je moja nova sreca. Idi, kaze. Naprijed.


I dok pisem ovo, zelim da se zahvalim na posjecivanju mog privatnog bloga gdje ste mogli vidjeti djelice mog zivota u proteklih 7 godina. No, dosao je trenutak kada bi trebala zaokruziti i staviti neki kraj na ovo mjesto, ili ipak, otici u novi pocetak. Za sada ovaj blog ce biti arhiva mojih trenutaka i fotografija, ali sada nastavljamo u novom formatu na stranici Moj stari site, je takodjer jos tu. Skola fotogarije u Zenici je pocela u februaru i nastavlja se. Sada imamo novu ekipu i novi cas. Pogledajte nas fejs i svakako se javite na ili u vezi svih pitanja. Za projekat Year of Bosnia u saradnji sa mojim bivsim univerzitetom, Western Kentucky University, uskoro detalji stizu…Hvala vam sto ste bili dio mojih prica.


Sirite ljubav! Zivot je lijep.

Dad’s Citizenship

Posted: 12/07/2016 in Uncategorized

Today, I was making copies of this document at Staples in order to apply for my Dad’s passport. See, I’m the one in red, the really mad looking one. The attempt to go to Australia in 1995 failed because I didn’t want to leave my Grandma. So in 1997, when this picture was taken, as you see, everyone had theirs at the same time, with the same background. But I, I got mine when they finished all the paperwork, and then just took me one day to have my ‘passport picture’ taken. It was in fact a photo for the admission into the US. My world crashed. And I was mad.


So back at Staples where I made copies and even some photos, the nice guy said: “You don’t owe me anything. You have been really patient!” You must be kidding…I said. I mean, it did cross my mind how he printed some on the more expensive paper, but I wasn’t going to give him a hard I just waited for the rest of my papers. Then it also made me think that not speaking up people often take advantage of it. But then he proved me wrong! And I was one happy kid! This guy rules! Thank you.

And as you see, things have slightly changed. The roles have reversed: I was the one doing the paperwork, I took a photo of Dad for his passport. And then, I made him go and take his citizenship test, just like him and Mom made me take my photo. And ‘What would have happened if we never came here?’, still crosses my mind. Many things have changed since…but I’m not mad..And I am still the one in red, purposely, and certainly proud and happy. And who wouldn’t be? Dad got his citizenship, and I got free copies to apply for his passport. 😉

Thank you Hilary.

Posted: 11/11/2016 in Uncategorized

I can’t say I was Hillary’s supporter just because she was a democrat or a woman, I wanted more choices. But without a doubt, I was not Trump’s supporter. But now that the whole election sunk in, I thought about what my cousin from Canada said: “This hurts as a woman..” And it does..It wasn’t too long ago women couldn’t even vote. Then I watched Hil speak with such pride after being defeated, and I was reminded of the inner strength us women carry. I was proud.


Yes, I want to see the new President elect be kind to this land and its people, and see less of how his behavior and horrible words excite others alike to act inappropriately. I wish to see him do good. And all those who voted for him!

And I am sure any country would welcome U.S. citizens now in a heartbeat! But why would anyone leave now and give up on the country here and watch it be in the hands of those that resemble people who once wouldn’t even let us (women) vote and have equal rights? Or those who still segregate..No, I didn’t agree with everything about Hil, but that we must be stronger now is what I felt watching her, and not allow those who suddenly feel empowered to make us feel as if we don’t belong here or wherever we are.

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 9.20.17 AM I am beyond proud that we have gotten this far to even have an opportunity to vote for a woman, and I am glad I did. I realized I was expecting a lot when I said I wanted more choices. This powerful woman didn’t run against another woman, and I wonder if we will have an option to vote for one again, especially see one running for President from the opposite leading party?!

Hilary, thank you for you courage, intellect, strength and this historic moment!

Vote, in Bosnian :)

Posted: 10/26/2016 in Uncategorized

So I did a little Bosnian version on TV, encouraging people to vote. Because my hair looks amazing 🙂 in the video, you guys only get few images from the shoot. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll post this video on Friday.




Kada je Tose Proeski bio u Zenici

Posted: 10/11/2016 in Uncategorized

Pocetkom septembra 2006 godine, drugarice i ja otisle smo na Tosin koncert u Zenici. Pomislila sam da ne nosim aparat kako bi skakale i uzivale… No, moja kolegica je toliko bila zaljubljena u Toseta, a i fotograf u meni jednostavno nije imao mira. Kao ni dusa podijeljena na onu pozitivnu stranu koja kaze da ce biti drugih prilika za ono sto ne stignem danas. Ali ona druga strana progovori ove noci: mozda sutra ipak ne postoji..


Kada sam dosla na koncert, odma sam napustila, pozvala taxi i otisla do kuce po aparat. Kada sam stigla na koncert, Tose nas je obradovao i obukao Celikov dres. Fotkala sam. A onda, nekako u svoj toj guzvi, u jednom trenu samo se zaustavio i pogledao me. Pogledi su nam se sreli i osjecala sam kao da ga poznajem kao osobu, ne kao pjevaca..Nastavila sam da slikam, a onda mi je i namign’o. Kada sam drugarici ispricala, zeljela je da me baci u rijeku. : )

Svaku noc legnem razmisljajuci o novom sutra, radujem se i pravim nove planove, jer sutra mora da postoji, kaze moja pozitivna strana..

No..ovo je bio Tosin posljednji nastup u BiH i nekih 40 dana poslije je nastradao, 16. oktobra.

Ovo pisem jer sam mnogo sretna da sam bar na tren upoznala ovu dusu, i zato sto mene fotografije Tose u Zenici podsjecaju na mnogo toga: na lijepe trenutke tokom koncerta, na moje pocetne dane fotografa, a ponajvise o zivotu i o nekom sutra za koje ne znamo da li ce doci..a nekada to samo osjetimo..

My Presentation at University of South Florida

Posted: 09/17/2016 in Uncategorized

I’ve had the honor to present once again at the Interdisciplinary School of Global Studies at University of South Florida, but the 4 minute speech in this video is from March this year.

There are a few people I’d like to thank over in Florida: Octavio for being ‘the messenger’, the Tampa Bay Times for being the first ones to publish my story I’m a Refugee, prof. Eric Fiske for inviting me and helping organize the event that was open for public, and Dr. Hiba Abdelwahab, and his is assistant Sajjad Hussain. Dr. Hiba is truly the kindest professor I have ever met. I am so glad our paths have crossed, and as he says:”I do believe in higher power…”


I spoke in two of his classes, and boy, the second one was challenging! I had a young man from Syria asking all sorts of questions, and speaking in front of political science students very well educated on wars, was different from the past experiences. It was my honor and pleasure, and I am so grateful for meeting the students. I feel like I know them! You guys were amazing, thank you.










But after every presentation, it is the people I meet. The feedback I receive and the e-mail that arrive days after my speech.

Thank you. ❤

The Life I Imagined in the Sunshine State

Posted: 09/15/2016 in Uncategorized

I drove 12 hours to Florida and I swear I never arrived faster to any place before. I went straight to see my cousin Zorica from Australia who was visiting her daughter in Tampa who is studying at the University of South Florida. Upon my arrival we decided to drive another hour to Orlando with more cool cousins that came to see Zorica. Just before we left Orlando, the Hurricane Hermine began. But it sure didn’t stop me from dancing in the rain…


I then wanted to go see my friend Octavio I kept in touch for over a year but never met in person. But I had to drop off Zorica at the airport first, she was leaving. Then he called to tell me that he won’t be home, he had an assignment at the airport. But it turned out into a very good coincidence for me because we actually met at the airport for the first time! Then Octavio took me to see what became the most interesting part of Tampa for me, and actually, most interesting place I’ve ever been to: Ybor City.


Place where first immigrants from Cuba and EU settled in 1907, and today as a symbol chicken are walking around. It is just so funny and lovely! I mean, I went to see them while it was pouring rain! And when I was leaving for KY, I seriously wanted to steal one. : )


I don’t even know how to sum up my trip..I saw dolphins in the sea..Penguins at the Busch Gardens..and revisited my chicken.


And this was my fave coffee place, the Bunker. That’s my tank in front. : )



This is Adriana, Octavio’s beautiful and amazing daughter.



This is during the USF football game I was shooting with the Tampa Bay Times, and I believe this was my best shot. : )


And this is the gang. Ed went to WKU with me and I haven’t seen him in a decade. Will edited my work for the Tampa Bay Times, and both happen to be good friends of Octavio.

Then I met Ana Muminovic and Dragana Mrvos who came to my presentation with her boyfriend.

Then we drove to Smyrna to see Richard and Sammye. Richard’s father had passed away.


And this man in the middle, the most generous, kind and with a soul I absolutely love, Prof. Dr. Hiba Abdelwahab from Tunis. Peacemaker. Professor. A humble human being who made my trip to campus and his classes such a memorable experience. This is Sajjad Hussain, his assistant who watched all three of my presentations. Sorrrryyyy. : ) But probably they left the biggest mark on me on this trip..Thank you. And of course thanks to USF, Eric Fiske, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, and Octavio for being my ‘messenger’ as he calls it for organizing this event.


This is my buddy Nikola Tesla in Saint Petersburg.



And the beach…


My last day there, I was writing a message for my friends, when a guy appeared next to me asking if I wrote the other message [not visible in the photo because they sat in front of it], and what it meant. I had to do a bit of explaining: “You know…there is this city in my country and we joke about “this is how we imagined life..” and that “there’s no better place…” I mumbled something…I received a biggg hug and so to say, life happens in a moment, and I absolutely loved every bit of this moment! So beautiful that ‘a life as a imagined’ actually happened as I was writing those same words..: )



US Road Trip

Posted: 08/01/2016 in Uncategorized

My Mom’s best friend Vera and her husband surprised us with a visit to Kentucky. They drove 34 hours from Seattle just to see us. Believe it or not, my Mom’s friends are the closest thing I have that remind me of her..So we did a road trip around the U.S. And one thing is for sure: America is beautiful.

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And amazing how many places look exactly like mountainous Bosnia. Whoever lives in Wyoming, dang, that place is something else…I would do another road trip to go through it again! Then Oregon, I have no words..We also stumbled upon Little America, and it was literally little. About 5-6 churches and maybe another building, and seemed like it all was on a parking lot, and that was it. But nothing was like Mount Rainier and Saint Helen! Enjoy the view..

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These are the animals I saw for the first time: Penguins, my favorite ever. Bear. A sea lion..

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Pieces from the road and the waterfalls we’ve seen.

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And I spent some time with cika Vlado and teta Ema, using a selfie stick for the first time. I was taught a lesson about bees, and what a wonderful time!

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This is Vera and Ema, two sisters, my Mom’s besties.

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Olga (Ema’s daughter). We were born on the same date!

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And the cool thing made out of glass.

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It reminds me of Darko. : )

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And the city was just as beautiful..

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But nothing was like that hike when we saw a bear and I secured myself with a stick! : )

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And now it’s time to go back..

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Baby showers and reunions

Posted: 06/29/2016 in Uncategorized

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I’ve been in Bowling Green several months now, and every time my Dad asks where I’m going, the answer is either: a baby shower or a baby birthday.

I saw many dear friends from high school that I deeply love and I was invited to their parties and showers. I attended first birthday of Megan’s son. I saw Crystal, and mistakenly went to see her on a date that was not on the invitation, but it happened to be the real birth date of her boy. This is the only friend I know who still visits my Mom’s grave and even though I haven’t seen Crystal in years, I can’t describe how much she means!

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Then my Senka had her baby shower, and she was soo beautiful! And most recently my Zuzi over in New York invited me to her baby shower.

But when I walked to see my high school best friend Veca that I haven’t seen in years, we started crying. “I am pregnant..and these hormones make me cry..” she says. “And I am not pregnant and I am still crying,” I told her. It felt so good to see her and her family. But even greater news came just few days after the shower. Veca sent me a photo of herself, her mom and dad, and her brother! Her brother was released from years in jail (for an accident caused while he was driving under the influence..) and it has been a long road since. What this family endured, I can’t even begin to describe, but this was the beginning of their happiness. Not long after that, Veca had her boy Luca.

Happy life friends.

World Refugee Day

Posted: 06/26/2016 in Uncategorized

World Refugee Day was celebrated today at the Lampkin Park in Bowling Green, Ky. And for such a small town, this is the most diverse place ever, seriously! It was so good to see some familiar people I haven’t seen in years, like Hannah Barahona, Maja Antonic was there too, Senida Husic, and I also met new people. I met the great Brent Bjorkman, director of the Kentucky Museum, who everyone told me about and that I needed to meet him. I met Virginia who works with him, and I saw many, many beautiful faces! What a great day!

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Posted: 06/23/2016 in Uncategorized

Do you know my story about the man in his orange turban?

Ten years ago, I was in my second year of photo classes, still a very shy photojournalist. Then one day in Seattle I changed that when I visited my older sister Olga, (family friend) whom I share the same birth date, also a lover of photography. We hopped in a cab, and the man who drove us around was so kind and had an orange turban on his head. An orange turban! It was my first time to see one. You can tell I haven’t been outside of Bowling Green much. But he dropped us off, drove off, and I thought how I was never going to see him again. And I did not even take his portrait!


And I used to have this thing where I memorize license plate numbers, or numbers in general. It’s not that I repeat to remember; I look, and numbers simply get stuck with me. It all began in Zenica when bus ZE-111-47 drove by me. It continued when we moved to Bowling Green and some person hit my car while I was still in it. She drove off! Only before she did, I had memorized the numbers. It was so unfair what she did that I called my lawyer the next day and hoped the numbers were correct. He found the person all the way in Louisville and asked that I come work for him.

Instead, I directed my memory skills in photo world, especially when it comes to captions. But in recent years, I did, however, decide to make a deal with my brain not to remember everything I hear/see, and before I did that, I had to do one more thing:

Run to the nearest coffee shop, and ask for a phone book to call a taxi driver! “Girl, you know how many cab drivers are in Seattle, and cab companies, and numbers they go by?” Yes I know: 261..185. “Sir, there’s a girl that you just dropped off, wanted to see if you can come back in front the Adobe building, she wants to take a picture of you?” Fifteen minutes later, I took what I thought was the best portrait at the time of this kind man. ☺

David Gilkey

Posted: 06/16/2016 in In Bosnia

As I sit here, I remember how David and I counted the 10 wars and conflicts still going on in the world, and how he advised the youth not to go into war zones on their own, without someone securing them..Then I asked if he ever felt it was time to do something else. He said all of his assignments were different, so he wasn’t looking for something else yet. And when on June 5th I read the headlines that David was killed in Afghanistan, it couldn’t have happened, I thought..He was just telling me of the new house he bought..

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“Whenever you come to D.C., my home is your home,” he wrote.

And I can still see him standing all the way in the back during my personal presentation at Allegheny College where we both where guest speakers thanks to Cheryl Hatch who organized the conference. After presenting, just like when he presented, we high-fived and hugged. As if we’ve been friends forever. But this is who David was. Wherever he went, he left a trace in someone’s life. And he left one in mine too..

After my presentation, we sat in silence for hours. Not because we had nothing to talk about, we’d say few things, but mainly we’d just let the silence speak. And in that silence I heard his soul, his genuine and kind spirit, his strong character, the appreciation for life, the hardships and dangers of it..Surviving the Bosnian war many years ago, I knew of deep feelings only born in such we continued sitting, and someone passed by and jokingly said: ”You two are still talking.” At the moment, David’s quietness reminded me of my older brother with whom I seldomly speak, but understand so well..And that’s really how we became friends!


So we ate cookies, then got up to make it seem we were serenading Cheryl. “I haven’t seen him smile this much in a really long time,” she said.

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Then the harsh reality visited. And nothing is as scary as when the unexpected death knocks on your door..

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So I join the feelings of many: David loved what he did, believed in it, made a change, and touched so many lives. But that other side where David had plans, family and close telling me it was too soon for you my friend to be gone…And I know your dear parents know this, but in a short time I’ve known you, you were one amazing human being.

Perhaps David, you hear all of us silently aching for you..

Or laughing at your humor, the little moments you gave us, like when you sang us that cheeseburger, taco bell or however that song went! And perhaps without saying anything at all, you know how we feel..

My friend, thank you for all you’ve done, and all the good that you wanted to do. ❤

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For us Bosnians, word Jenazah means a funeral held the Islamic way. The burial takes place then the men pray. “But look, their women pray,” I heard a woman in Bosnian, because in Bosnia, for some reason, the women don’t pray at funerals, but in every other country where Islam is practiced, women do pray.

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The next day the burial took place at the Cave Hill cemetery in Louisville, Ky.

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But at the Jenazah prayer service, I had the honor to meet Rev. Jesse Jackson who stood next to me and said:”What is your name? And where are you from?” When I said Bosnia, the boy on the right said: “I knew it!”


Then I went to take another picture with the boys and in the background is Muhammed Ali, man from Bangladesh with the same name as Ali.

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And there were people all over the world, including some Bosnians, and my brother Goran and his friends Mirsad, Edin and Katie went too. The tickets to both days were free of charge and also the parking was free, not just the day of the event, but few days in advance when the tickets were given out. It was great to see how Muhammed wanted his funeral to be. Thank you Ali!


I haven’t had a chance to post almost anything these past two months. But last monthHilary Clinton visited Bowling Green, Ky. I happened to be at my high school’s friend’s house, Megan Butler, when her parents told me they were organizing Hilary’s arrival at La Gala-place owned by our family-friends from Zenica, Zeljko and Nela.

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Bernie came as well, but because I was at Megan’s house, asked to photograph her niece’s prom, I didn’t get to go.

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However, Hilary was great. We had fun at the event, and people were taking selfies. I also took one with my big camera. I said:”Hilary!” And the lady turned and we snapped a photo.

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Later on my wall thousands of messages..Anyway, I can’t wait to see who will win this election.

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Posted: 06/14/2016 in Uncategorized

My dear, dear friend Senka, or little baby as I used to call, suddenly passed away May 12. And just a day before, her older sister Maja got married. When I turned on my facebook, I first saw the wedding picture, and below a ‘RIP’ photo for our Senka.


But this little heart would always send me messages and write on my wall. And yes, I miss it now, they made a difference, and now that I think about it, Senka filled me with love.

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What I’ll always remember are the celebrations of Eid at her aunt’s, and I’d be there like a family member. We’d always pose for pictures. And I’ll never forget that time when I went by her father’s restaurant by the river Bosnia in my hometown where she worked. For days she wanted me to come and take pictures of her; her little heart, just like mine now, needed to be loved. So I went and we took pictures of each other. What a beautiful soul she was!


Weekend With Huda

Posted: 05/05/2016 in While in America

Every time Huda and I get together, one thing’s for sure: a photo session. She puts makeup on me, I get dressed and then she takes these most incredible portraits of me. This time, I took some of Huda too.


Our weekend was the best. We even shot a wedding together, and even though our style of photography is different, we make a pretty good team.


She shoots the things she loves, and I do just the same!

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And the best part of the weekend was Huda’s dogs. Mia and Miki. They are two happiest dogs I have ever seen in my life. They jump on you, kiss you and they don’t let go. It’s like, now I know when people speak of the joy their pets bring them because one morning Huda got up at 6 a.m. and brought puppies to my room. They were crying for me. When they saw me they were just soo happy, they started jumping, cuddling, and it was the best thing in the world! It’s like, they’re an instant shot for happiness.


And we also enjoyed a cool restaurant where the food was cooked right in front of us by ‘a single’ married guy.

Interview in Bosnian

Posted: 05/02/2016 in Uncategorized

Ulicamamo, a blog from my local hometown Zenica, interviewed me about my recent presentations in the US. shared the it too, and below is the interview. Thank you Aldin Sehic and Adnane!

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Donkey Time

Posted: 04/23/2016 in While in America

So I’m hiking on this road that I call ‘my village road’! It’s curvy, and seems so far away from civilization, at least for me. So I decided to go a bit further than yesterday. Well, just when I did, I saw a Donkey. Then a second one and a third one appeared. I spent some time with them, and realized they totally love each other. 😉







Be Like a Flower

Posted: 04/15/2016 in Uncategorized

“Be like the flower that gives its scent even to the hand that crushes it.”

“Budi kao cvijet koji ostavlja miris čak i ruci koja ga slomi..” 

Posmatram kako ovaj zuti leptiric vec nekoliko dana leti oko mene i jorgovana, a ja sjedim na suncu, citam i razmisljam o svom novom zivotu. Zapravo, potpuno isti zivot, samo sa par koraka naprijed, nekoliko ostvarenih snova za koje nisam mislila da ce tako brzo doci, ali takodjer i nekih neostvarenih kojima sada nije bilo vrijeme, a koji su me stiskali. No, bitno je da su sada odletjeli daleko od mene. Cudno, ali nekada me najmanje sitnice poput ovog leptira prisjete kako je lijepo zivjeti i osjecati spokoj, svoju unutarnju srecu i bez straha ici kroz zivot..

Pa sretan vam zivot ljudi! : )






Posted: 04/14/2016 in Uncategorized

Ko prepoznaje moj stil i rad, prepoznat ce i kadrove koje sam snimila, a u ostalim ce prepoznati Duleta, cak i s tom kapicom na glavi. Samo, ko je ovaj drugi (il’ treci) lik? To je nagradno pitanje, s obzirom da se band zove Trojica. A sad, molim vas, ovo je jako tuzna pjesma, ja evo u AmeriKama placem.  : )

Video: Trojica – imao sam Merca